The Thorn-apple Valley Council’s


The Cadet Snow Derby is a fun teaching and learning event held outside on a farm where the Counselors may teach the cadets about some camping and survival skills. If the already know, they may show the judges their skills.

Grand Rapids Council Clubs / Teams are invited to join Thornapple Valley. If you are interested call or email Marv Mingrrink at (616) 755-3121,

Feb 1, 2025 Snow Derby will take place at Lakeside (6201 Whitneyville Ave SE, Alto, MI 49302) Lunch served at noon, Please bring 1 can of soup for donation.

Sled judging to begin at 12:30


 Rotating stations are: 

  • Axe-man-ship, 

  • Knots & Lashing, 

  • Compass reading, 

  • Cliff Rescue & First Aid, 

  • Wrist-Rockets, 

  • Tent setup, (an assembled tent will be provided at the Tent station to save time)

  • Fire with Cleanup as the last event. (New: the committee will be suppling the wood for the fire building)


The Snow Derby is usually finished by about 4:30 pm

Thornapple Valley Council


Equipment required to be on the sled at Judging (If you need to borrow a Snow Derby Sled, ask any board member or DCE. There are a lot of Snow Derby Sleds around.)

  • Hand axe or hatchet (with file and stone for sharpening)

  • Bushman or bow saw

  • Shovel

  • Compass

  • 100’ of lashing twine

  • Tent w/ ground sheet

  • 2 blankets & 2 poles for stretcher

  • Matches in waterproof container

  • Materials for splint and first aid supplies

  • 2 Jack knives – NO SHEATH KNIVES ALLOWED

  • Kerchief for each Cadet (hint – you may need to use it)

  • NO fire wood - materials will be provided at fire building

  • Cadre Flag


( If you need to borrow a Snow Derby Sled, ask any board member or DCE (Developer of Counselor Education). There are a lot of Snow Derby Sleds around.) 

Things your cadets will need to know to compete or just bring a bunch of cadets out to learn and train without joining the competition.

What is the universal distress call?Distress call is: 3 quick blasts on a whistle or 3 quick shouts followed by silence then repeated at 2 or 3 minute intervals.

 Know the Compass:

▪   8 points of the compass: N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW.

▪   Degree readings for N, E, S, W

▪   Each Cadet should know their step length or the number of steps for 100 feet.

What to do when lost: 

 1   Carry survival kit every time you hike

 2   If lost stay put, use your head not your legs

 3   Find or build a shelter to keep warm & dry

 4   Build a fire in a safe place and keep it burning with lots of smoke 

 5   Within sight of your camp find the highest spot to see where you are

 6   If still lost, stay calm and take time to talk with God about your situation 

 Know what the definition of First-Aid and Hypothermia  

•      The immediate and temporary treatment until professional  help arrives

•      The body temperature drops below 95° F, sign shivering

Know the 3 criteria for selecting a camping site:

 •     Good firewood supply nearby

•      Level open ground where sunlight is not blocked

•      High ground for good drainage.

Be able to identify the traditional trail signs. 

SD trail.jpg

Know the Landmarks!!! (there are 6 of them)

•      Shield of 3 “C”s forming a cross, represents: Calvinist Cadet Corps

•      Cadet Verse

•      Cadet Code

•      Cadet Motto 

•      Cadet Pledge

•      Cadet Hymn 

Be able to explain the difference between Cadets & Boy Scouts!

•      Cadets is Calvinistic meaning Christian learning about Christ’s salvation in the Bible

Know the theme and verse for this year.


  • JOSHUA 3:5 Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”     

Skills you need to show at the Snow Derby

•      SLED: Stand orderly while receiving instructions and listen carefully to the judge at every station. Repacked the sled in an orderly fashion after each event.

•       AXEMANSHIP:  Carry an unsheathed hatchet or axe, pass and receive an unsheathed hatchet or axe. Demonstrate how to sharpen a hatchet or axe, and a knife. Use a “Chopping block” to chop kindling and fuel to proper length.          

•      CLIFF RESCUE AND FIRST AID: Treat the victim for shock, team attend to the injury and install the splints and bandages properly. Assemble and use the stretcher properly.

•      COMPASS: Use a compass to find the correct spot and give the correct degrees for a sighted object. Be able to follow compass coordinates course.

•    KNOTS AND LASHING: All team members must show clove hitch and timber Hitch. The team must demonstrate square lashing and a diagonal lashing with tight frapping.       

•      WRIST ROCKETS: Hit the targets

•    TENT: Prepare the ground properly and show the proper use of ground sheet. Place the tent properly with the door facing the correct direction. Tent will be provided.

 •    FIRE BUILDING: All materials will be provided at the station. Assemble the assigned fire lay properly. Maintain fire for at least five minutes.


 Snow Derby Registration is due before January 30, 2023

 Church Name  __________________________

Council  _______________________________

Team Name    __________________________

Number of boys on the team  _______ 

Number of adults attending _________

Each person to bring 1 can of soup.


